Thursday, May 13, 2010

Alcohol & me

I read an article today on "Mind Your Body", about alcohol addiction.

I think I may have just skimmed past it.

"Alcohol affects central nervous system. It can sedate- or blackout- the brain such that emotions can take over. Many alcoholics cannot recall their strange behaviour later because of this blackout they experience".

"Because alcohol is a depressant, excessive drinking can lead to alcohol-induced mood disorder in the long run. Such people are constantly in a depressed mood and show a lack of interest in daily activities. The symptoms mimic that of depression".


I did have quite a number of blackouts happening in my later days of drinking. And I did have depression.

But this serves as a reminder to me to stop binge drinking. And gladly, I am ready to not club anymore. Quit would be too strong a word, because there may be occasions that I have to show face to invitations. But the interest has definitely died down for me in the clubbing scene.

Oh no.. I am really now turning into a plain boring bookworm jane doe.

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