Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life of no regrets

My cousin once ever advised me on my relationship, which was to "just do it" and avoid ever regreting not trying.

That was why I patched back with Elson last time, and till today, I will never regret that decision.

It's really true, that in life, the worst thing to live on is with regret.

That's why I had the strong will to still try my best to work the relationship out eventhough it was torn and tattered.

It's only a pity that he didn't had that will power anymore.

And that's why I had to let go.

But hey, I did it and ending up not regretting one bit. Because at least, I know I did my part and tried my very best.

(Thanks jie~)

I really truly believe in living a life without regrets.

It shows at the way I spent my money, for example.

Yes some of you may think it is "wrong" not saving up majority of what I earn for my future.

All I can respond is that, I DO SAVE. It may not be what you approve of, but let me tell you that I am spending with no regrets.

I do not waste all my money on materialistic things until I have no savings. I call that a endulgence that I give myself once every few months- spend to buy something I like for my happiness.

I splurge on my family members. I mean I literally will. What my Mum wants, I get it for her without a bat of an eyelid. Because she deserves it for sole-handedly bringing us up, and sacrificing her monetary happiness for ours. It is time I repay that back.

I feel that why should one be so thrifty on the happiness of family members, when you'll only regret of being so stingy once if they ever leave you.

I love my family, and they are everything to me.

Try living a life without regret.

(Of course within your conscience too)

I think you'll enjoy the true happiness that is to follow in LIFE itself. =)

Like they always say;

Life is so short. Live it to the fullest without regrets!

And I know that if I die tomorrow, I'll die without regrets.

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