Saturday, February 27, 2010

R.I.P Hugo

We rescued him before he was put to sleep by the AVA, yet it was a short life Hugo had; just a little more than 11 months.

Being infected with tick fever caused his red blood cells to drastically fall to a critical amount. Blood transfusion, a life sentenced to the virus, and $6000 later, he still could not escape his sufferings.

Goodbye Hugo.

You really had been wonderful, and a joy to all of us.

I will take care of Michael for you, for I know how protective you have been over Mic.

All of us at home are grieving for you in a different way. Some choose to show, some are stronger. But do know that we hope you are reborned into a better life now, one hopefully, in a true lovely Soka family.

We loved you very much.

You are the first of my dog I seen passing away before me, and I will always remember you as the dog who was a mischievous and stubborn bugger. Yet, it was YOU who brought life into the household, giving us cute surprises of torn up tissues and wrappers all around the entire house, and being the one who secretly bit our personal items to cure your boredom. When I called, you responded only when you felt like it. I always thought you were extremely adorable in that sense; you had your own personality. 

Even when you were sick, I could see the stubborness of not ever giving up fighting your illness. Even at your last breath, you didn't want to admit defeat. You never gave up. =")

It was a choice made by your Mummy, and I absolutely agree with it. We don't ever want you to suffer just for our selfish gain by keeping you alive when you are already in such critical condition.

I love you.

Rest in peace and our love.

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