Thursday, February 25, 2010

2010 CNY gathering @ Butter?! Themed RED so Huat ah!

So ke lian!!!

I missed the whole CNY atmosphere and gathering, and the next best alternative was a CNY red-themed party at Butter with my cousin and friends held last Saturday on 20FEB.

Entered Butter at 12mn with girls in red (except for Anna who didn't have any reds in her wardrobe) and guys in pink.

Kudos to all who were so sporting. I LOVE sporting peeps! =D


Look at a summary of all the great pictures we took!

The 3 babes in red; Milly, me & Pearl.

Red & Black combo with Milly's friends; Milly, Kelly, Me, Marval, Pearl.

Add Anna the grey. She didn't have any reds, so made a attempt by wearing an obscured red bangle.

Kelvin on the right.

This is Wayne, a friend of Lincoln's. Really nice don't-look-like-but-is-a-church-going guy. He is quite LOL.

And this mister actually kick started the fun by ordering for us Graveyard. =.=

I and Lincoln attempting to share one mutha-awful drink.

Milly love. She knows how to enjoy. Me likey~

Darren, a waiter at Butter. I found him cute, in the sense it was funny he was working there cause he totally looked like the nerdy type. And he had a very broad smile!

I attempted to win his huge megawatti grin, but of course failed...

Kelvin. My dive buddy, another guy with a knock-out smile. Even guys complimented him before. >.<

Halfway through, we did a yumseng with Apple Shooters.

Yumseng shooters courtesy of Kevin's twin cousin, Marc & Marcus. Name also similar. Piang!

Second yumseng! Darren don't know why join in too. LOL~

The peeps. =)

Milly's friend, OC, joined us midway. In red too! Huat ah~! XP

As Butter closed, we met this groom-to-be, holding his stag night. That green board as you see, was a list of the different types of girls he had to find in Butter.

We were the "Chilli Padi". Woohoo!

Here onwards, I lost my memory..
I got confused when I saw this pic... then Lincoln told me.

Apparantly, he overheard me telling Marcus that "I am not interested in guys who are shorter than me." Wahahha! I know it's mean, and talking about a guy's height is as sensitive as talking about a girl's weight, but I couldn't even remember myself saying that out. Guess that just shows that my words will come out bluntly with more alcohol in me. =P

So what happened was that Marcus and I started taking off our shoes to compare height.

I lost.

He was a little taller than me.
But that doesn't change that I was still not interested in anyone.

So everyone joined in the fun, and took off their shoes too. LOL~

And of course, as usual, I ended up dead shagged and slept through it after.

People who don't know me, may think that I am just another regular clubber. Easy to tackle, easy to bed.

Well, fuck you.

I consider myself as a "dao" clubber. That means I go to club with my friends and only stick with my friends. I'm not interested in knowing new people, I don't see the need to know new ones.

Of course, I do socialise with my friend's friends when they are introduced to me, but that is just hi-bye unless you're not personally deem by me to be another chee hong kia.

So that's it. Till the next time we hold another themed party, which we plan to do so next time.

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