Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Treasure all that's around you; material and non.

I am grateful I am able to afford branded stuffs once in awhile when I succumb to my temptations.

I am grateful life has been better for me than it was before.

I didn't start out rich, neither well-to-do nor average. In fact, I could had been borderline poor if not for my ever hardworking Mum.

Mum did an excellent job raising us up, I must say.

Eventhough none of her children may be graduates of any degrees, yet 2 out of her 3 children now hold stable and good paying jobs. All 3 children love her to bits, and are devoted to taking care of her all her life.

We know who brought us up. Who slogged through years of single-parenthood, working shifts just to bring home food on the table. Who sacrifice her wants to see to our needs, who ignore her personal likes to give us what we wanted.

I will never ever forget my roots.

I will remember my hard journey to adulthood, and I appreciate everything material around me now. I may not be rich, but I am fortunate to be able to save up and afford the things I fancy once in awhile.

I may envy rich kids who are blessed with every material wants they ever have in their lives, but they would never have the enriching life lessons I have enquired so far in my life.

I may not be financially rich, but I already feel rich. Rich with my family's love, and real friends around me.

I love you guys. I really do.

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