Thursday, April 1, 2010

Virgo in Love & Relationship

Virgos are often one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. They are so careful to conceal their emotions; they are often seen as cold or uncaring. But don't let the Virgos fool you! Underneath their shield is a sensitive, sensuous being, very capable of giving as well as receiving love.

Virgo Women
On the outside, Virgo women seem calm, cool, and collected, almost to the point of being remote. But, do not let her outward demeanor fool you. Virgo women have emotions surging through their veins, but these emotions so intense, they often scare her. She can be seen as reserved or aloof because of she realises the intensity of her emotions and is trying to control them through self-discipline. Her distant nature also helps her ward off the advances of the wrong men.

Like all Earth signs, Virgo is a mysterious mixture of both sensuality and conservatism. Virgo women are often very cautious when becoming involved with others. She weighs relationships very carefully because she fears ending up trapped with the wrong man. Because of this, falling in love may take some time. As a relationship grows and the Virgo woman learns to trust her mate, she will reveal her sensitive side. The Virgo woman doesn't mind waiting for Mr. Right. In fact, she would rather stay home, curled up with a good book than date Mr. Wrong. She is a believer in true love and once she finds it, her control will loosen. She will become a passionate, sensitive lover, but only once she is sure you are the one.

Ahhh.. Now look at the analogy of my past r/s...

Virgo & Scorpio
Natives of both Virgo and Scorpio are born critics. Each partner in this relationship stands constantly ready, willing and able to air grievances against the other at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, neither individual takes well to being criticized. If Virgo is the target, then he or she will resort to nagging. If the target is Scorpio, then he or she will undoubtedly withdraw and seethe in resentment. Scorpio individuals have intense likes and dislikes, accompanied by a complex nature and emotional insecurity. Thus, Virgo finds it very difficult to even begin to understand the Scorpio character. In addition, Scorpio is liable to fly into jealous rages for no reason, even if the Virgo partner has proved to be a faithful mate. In addition, the general views of those ruled by Scorpio are not easy for Virgo to take or even agree with, given that Virgo subjects always see the other side of a situation and another's point of view.

Virgo is logical, intellectual and analytical while Scorpio is imaginative, visionary and perceptive. Thus, there is a mutual admiration of the minds here, but both partners will often have trouble in expressing true feelings. Scorpio is by nature volatile but secretive, while Virgo is inherently self-restrained and reserved. There could be conflict between the two regarding who will run things, but Virgo's willingness to compromise will at least keep the Scorpio partner tractable. One of the major drawbacks to this relationship may arise if Scorpio goes to Virgo in search of sympathy and understanding for a perceived wrong. Virgo is sure to rationalize the probability that Scorpio may well have deserved whatever he or she got, leaving Scorpio feeling very upset.

Scorpio is a sensual Sign and will undoubtedly try to entice Virgo into ever bolder sexual adventures, but this could lead to overly demanding behavior on the part of Scorpio, largely due to the Scorpio partner's insecurities and need of reassurance within the relationshp. Indeed, physically romantic interludes may well be the only form of relief in this particular match for the Scorpio partner, given this native's lack of self-expression. Since Virgo is basically cool in character, such an overabundance of ardor may not be handled well. Although Virgo will always feel loved and protected by Scorpio's possessiveness and fierce loyalty, both partners would have to work extremely hard in order to make this relationship a successful one.

Fantastic. Words proven.

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