Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dr Phil's Relationship Rescue

I bought this book not for the sake of patching up with my ex, but to better equip myself with the understandings of relationships better, so that the same mistake won't happen to me twice.

Seems really interesting and different from the ones that talk about how to have a better relationship. Instead, the book touches on 10 myths about relationships that can sabotage even the most healthy of loves:

Myth #1: A great r/s depends on a great meeting of the minds

Myth #2: A great r/s demands a great romance

Myth #3: A great r/s requires great problem-solving

Myth #4: A great r/s requires common interests that bond you together forever

Myth #5: A great r/s is a peaceful one

Myth #6: A great r/s lets you vent all your feelings

Myth #7: A great r/s has nothing to do with sex

Myth #8: A great r/s cannot survive a flawed partner

Myth #9: There is a right way and a wrong way to make your r/s great

Myth #10: Your r/s can only become great when you get your partner straightened out

I'm sure many of us have already identified the types of myths that applies to us in our thinking, and those that your partner believes in. =)

That's why, it's really interesting how this book is going to explain how these believes sabotages our love.

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