Thursday, February 18, 2010

That guy is a m-m-monster, he a-a-ate my heart

Today I was talking to my supervisor, a man who was truly a family man.

I hear him speaking his beliefs, the way he treated and viewed his family, and it was all too familiar to me.

Again, I teared.

He told me, he could feel I really loved that boy. Yes, you.

You never knew, you always doubted.

It was never enough for you.

No one told you.

And even if they did, I didn't think you believed them.

You nitpick for perfection, yet perfection is never the case.

What does it take for you to ever understand how much you could have had.

What does it take for you to ever wake up from your dreams and accept reality.

How I pray for that day to come sooner.

I still do, most of the time.

With this, I leave you with this verse from the song you so frequently listen to:

So go and think about whatever you need to think about

Go on and dream about whatever you need to dream about

And come back to me when you know just how you feel, you feel

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