Saturday, February 6, 2010

A new experience; surfing @ wavehouse.

Now that I have all the time and no commitment in the world, naturally I often look for things to occupy myself so that I would limit my emo times.

Just 3 days ago, we decided to visit WaveHouse @ Sentosa.

It was pure surfing; body or standing up. And it was tons of fun!

In attendance were Lincoln, Pearl, Kelvin, Anna and me. (Clockwise)

It was everyone's except Kelvin first times, and of course we fall to learn.

Starting of with the rope.

I cannot tell you how exciting it was, but you have to try it to like it. And since Singapore was such a bore, every now and then, we got to do something new in our lives to live life to its fullest.

Well, the evening turned into night when we ended our last 1hr session at 10-11pm.

But not before I had to leave an impression for everyone, including that guy in charge of coaching and us how to surf.

The wavehouse system had two sides, left and right. At any one point of a time, there would be up to a maximum of 10 people taking turns on each side. I was at the right side, surfing my last round, when I fell as usual, but this time landing with a split.

Adding on, I hammered into the middle barricade, and because there was a cushioned flap in between, I ended up getting myself jammed thigh-high at the end of the barricade.

Note red arrow!

My body was covered by that gushing pile of current, and it didn't help that the people below the slope couldn't see me because of the blind spot and angle. At first they thought I had just ended up at the end as usual, however seeing my hand waving the second time, Lincoln ran up sensing something was amist.

After that, the in-charge plus everyone on my side ran up to help assist. The in-charge tried pulling me out to no avail because of the strong current that jammed me into the barricade.

In all, it took about 5-10s before the machine was off and I was finally being pulled out of the barricade.

Throughout the whole incident, I was calm. In my mind, I had even thought "oh can someone see my hands?", and even did a little prayer. I guess diving does help calm my nerves down in water accidents afterall.

The in-charge had quite a scare, and adding to me that in all his history of working there, I was the first one to be stucked in the barricade.

Am I lucky or what. LOL.

But all is well. The only thing I'd complain was that the split was fucking painful! =P

Anyway, we woke up next day having muscle aches on our whole body. And I as usual, have now blue-blacks all over my leg.

I cannot wait to go again the next time! Officially a wavehouse-lover. =)

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