Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Photo-log #2: Live Onboard Dive Trip

Live Onboard the MV Beach Boy on the 4-6 September 2009.
A $800 birthday present I gave to myself; my first live onboard and my advance diving certification. Nothing beats such experience of a lifetime. =D

Day 1: 4SEP Friday

We sat the tour bus for about 3 hours into Malaysia and reach the jetty at midnight.

Able to see our stack of dive equipments? =)

Narrow walkway.

MV Beach Boy at last!

Briefing after arrival.
Our girls-only bunk.

Other bunks; top is for our dive masters/instructors.

Day 2: 5SEP Saturday

One full day of diving; in total we (advance divers)did 5 dives. 4 day dives, 1 night one. Weather was perfect! =D


Me looking like Ms Pufferfish.

Between our second and third dive, many of us went to the sundeck to slack. It was like a tea party, the music was blasting from 2 large speakers, and we did the most incredible activity; BOAT DIVING.

One by one, we lined up to jump 1 story down into the water from the boat's roof. Amazing! =D

Beach boys~
Add a babe into the group.
(I happen to look retarded in this picture from my camera. Got to get better ones from the camera of the girls. Haha!)
Jinhui jumps!
This part is funny.. my self-dive shots.
I call this the Giant Stride. Exact way how divers should enter the water, just that this moment I was caught without my dive gears. Super hilarious!
I look retarded. =(
Ok. Babes diving time. Group jump!!

Yay!! <3
Boat people. (Working on boat)
This is funny!! Hahaha! Superman!!!
Hunks diving time. Actually have 5 guys, but one jumped out of the camera's view on my left. XP

After this action packed activity, we continued our dive/slack/dive/eat/dive/slack motion all the way till night.

Our advance diving instructor- Stephen!

One of our meals. (This is the leftovers kept specially for those who did the night dive)

Day 3: 6SEP Sunday

Last day of our LOB trip. =(

Woke up at 10am to breakfast then a last dive. Was suppose to have an additional dive but the weather wasn't on our side, causing the water to be too choppy. =(

Nonetheless, took alot of self-indulgent pictures and lovely shots on our journey back to main land! (Not all shown here la! XP)

"Good" Morning!

Beautiful weather still. Sun was not sorching even at noon <3.

Bimbo us. =P

I am liking my pink & white combi. =)

My hair has a life of its own! Haw haw~
So romantic!! Kite flying on boat.

Me & Jinhui; the fish encyclopedia. He's so cute, and an absolute aquarist. (People who are hobbist in building reefs in their fish tanks at home. Amazing and freak expensive hobby I found out!)

Been a long time since I last sun tanned.

Jinhui slacking with his junk food. HAHA!

Sweet couple. (Not real couple ah. Just made believe. Heh!)
Slackers at the side. Chey, no fun!
Pi Jiu Mei~
Leaving the Beach Boy.... =(
Gino, Pearl & Me.
Boat Men, byebye!

Goodbye, and till we meet again!! (Definitely!)
The wooden ladder leading to the mainland jetty.

In all, it has been a wonderfully satisfying trip.

The list of more iconic marine life I spotted were:
- Hawksbill turtle
- Stingray
- Sea snake
- Horseshoe crab (deceased but still intact)
- Sea Urchins
- Anemone shrimps
- Crab
- Planktons (lit blue at night when you off our light and wave your hands around underwater)
- Billions of fishes

Till my next dive then~

P.S: Not all pictures are with me now as I haven't had the chance to gather from other sources of camera, so these pictures are only the ones from my personal camera.

P.P.S: More pictures (and constantly updated ones) to be found in my facebook album! =)

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